CSA Workshare

Our workshare program is a hands-on working / learning experience where participants are trained in vegetable production and work alongside our team in daily farm and market tasks.

Workshare members commit to 4 hours a week each Friday from 9am-1pm from June 14 - October 18. In return they receive a full CSA share including access to u-pick crops (cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, cut-flowers, herbs, etc.) Farm tasks vary throughout the season, but include seeding, transplanting, harvesting, weeding, washing, and packing.

To apply, please complete our online application. No prior experience farming is needed. We seek an earnest interest in learning how to grow vegetables, strong work ethic, and the ability to remain positive and work hard in all weather conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I cannot complete an entire season?

All workshare members must commit to a full season of work from June to October. If you have scheduling conflicts throughout the season, this is not the right position for you and we encourage you to consider our weekly volunteer days in the spring and fall.

What is the work like?

This is an opportunity to be immersed in the day-to-day operations of small-acreage vegetable production. Tasks may include seeding in the greenhouse, transplanting, weeding, harvesting, and working in our wash station. Farming is often repetitive and physically challenging - for more details please contact us.

Can I bring my kids? 

Unfortunately it is not possible for children to participate in the workshare program as field work is challenging and physically demanding. You are welcome to bring your children to our weekly on-farm CSA pick-up to help select your produce and harvest u-pick crops. 

What if I miss a week? 

Let our team know as soon as possible if circumstances arise. Because we depend on our workshare members throughout the season, each member is allowed only two planned absences for the duration of the program.

Questions? Email Becca becca@highwaterfarm.org