Help Sustain and Grow our Work
To help us save on processing fees - please consider writing a check or contact Sara to discuss options.
To donate by check:
Make check out to ‘Highwater Farm’
Mail to: PO Box 594, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Highwater Farm is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 84-3715918
60% of Highwater’s annual budget to operate comes from community donations. Even with all the food grown and sold by Highwater, philanthropic support plays a critical role in creating and maintaining a sustainable food system in our valley and neighboring valleys.
Please consider donating to help support sustainable agriculture, affordable access to healthy food, and youth development.
For more information, contact Sara:
email sara@highwaterfarm.org or call (970) 274-5298